Taking Control (By Hillary)
Let's be honest, 2020 was a mess. Not a beautiful, tangled up, heap of life mess. It was wave after wave of stress, mess. A twenty car pileup kind of mess. A train derailment mess. It was just bad.
I'm not particularly a fan of messes. I struggle with letting my toddler son make a mess of things. With so much to do already, who has the time to clean up an extra mess?
Sometimes that's a legitimate excuse. Sometimes it's me needing to keep everything in a tidy container. And by 'everything' I mean life. I need to keep my life on the tracks to avoid any messy derailments. Control is the key.
In fits of anxiety I put toy cars away in their garage, sanitize baby crinkle books and put them in their basket, and vacuum, sweep, fold laundry until I fall into our easy chair in an exhausted heap.
There are things we can control, and then there are things we can't. I remember my dad always loved the serenity prayer, the one that says, "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference." The same probably applies to things we can control.
I can control a lot of messes, but the truth is a few extra cracker crumbs isn't what keeps me up at night. It's worrying about paying bills, putting food on my family's table, and making sure my babies are learning, growing, and loved.
This week, after an hour long call, a client and I were talking about this, about stress and worries and taking control. For her, knowing her end-of-life wishes would be respected, that her children would be taken care of, and her affairs would be in order, this was a huge relief to her. She said she would be able to sleep well for the first time since Covid brought some of these issues starkly into focus for her and her family.
As I'm typing this, my five month old daughter is asleep on my chest. My almost three year old son is sleeping next to me. There's a pile of laundry that needs to be sorted and folded. Dishes that need to be washed, dried, and put away. And I never got a shower after my workout, because my daughter needed to nurse and fell asleep on me instead.
What I'm coming to understand is there will always be messes. Chaos is part of life, especially with two littles. I am learning to take control of the things I can, the things that need controlling. And then letting everything else go with the flow.
Taking Control ( to take control of your end-of-life planning such as drafting a will, please give us a call. We'll help you get organized so you can enjoy the things that really matter in life, like the sleepy smiles of a contented baby.
For more on getting organized, check out our video HERE.
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The Vaillancourt Law Firm